I haven't done this in a while.
So it's been 6 months since I landed in Houston, TX after the summer that changed my life. I had no idea that it had been "the summer that changed my life" when I got home. Shoot, to be honest I was unbelievably grateful to be home. The idea of eating food that wouldn't make me sick and sleeping in my own bed BY MYSELF [love you Sarah] and wearing shorts and laying in the sun and getting to talk to friends/family even in the absence of a wifi connection... [gasp] It was all so comfortable and I was enjoying the comfortable. But the more I talked about it to people and the longer I laid awake at night thinking about it, the more I missed Cambodia. I missed the traffic jams and Srey Nang and the obnoxious honking of motos and the tuk tuk rides and rice and the smell of incense and the half naked babies and sometimes [on rare occasions] I even missed fish sauce. Only sometimes.
Then school started and it was hard. I had just experienced this incredible, life-changing summer and I couldn't explain it to people. I couldn't find the words. At first I just thought my "homesickness" was temporary and I was still on a "mission trip high." So I waited for it to pass and continued my busy lifestyle. But here we are, 6 months later and thinking about Cambodia is bringing me to tears.
Life got hard when I got back. Sure, the first month was beautiful. I was reunited and rejuvenated. Family and friends reminded me of how blessed I am. But then routine happened. In Asia it was so easy to need God because, shoot, we didn't really have anyone else [in the beginning at least]. But here in America, I have incredible friends, a supportive family, a wonderful church, and a great community to rely on and go to with my problems. It's hard to talk to God when I have a million other people waiting to listen to my problems and give me advice. When I get lonely, I can just open the door to my dorm room and walk 3 feet to my friend's room or I can shoot a text and have an instant response. Don't get me wrong, I'm so very grateful. But it's incredibly hard to need God here.
Did she just say it's hard to need God here?
Yes. Yes I did.
It's hard to explain.
But here it is in one sentence:
I'm more of the person I want to be when I'm not here, living my comfortable life.
[drum roll please]
I've decided to go back.
ACU Halbert Mission Institute is offering a 3 week Missional Adventure in Discernment. There are 4 different trips that include "tours" of North America, South America, Africa, and Asia. I'll be joining the Asia team which will be led by Larry Henderson himself. It is a team of 6 and we will be visiting multiple mission locations in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.
My parents weren't too thrilled with the idea of me going back at first. I was annoyed and a little hurt by this. Why wouldn't they support me if this is what I want? But mom and I had a little chat on Seawall Blvd. in Galveston, TX and she explained to me the "fear factor" [no, not the show]. They're my parents and it's their job to protect me and they can't really control the level of my protection when I'm halfway around the world. I get that. I really do. And I absolutely respect them.
But what kind of life are we called to live?
A life full of fear?
A life overflowing with joy and a heart that is on fire for God?
I know which life I want to be living.
Do I want to pursue a life in missions? I'm not entirely sure yet.
And to be quite honest, it scares me a lot to think about.
But I do know that no one who runs to Him loses out.
So all that to say I'm asking for prayers and support and encouragement.
I can't wait to embark on this new adventure.
So so SO much love,
If you would like to make a donation towards sending me back to Asia:
- You may make a donation to my Paypal account
- Go to www.paypal.com
- Click "send" at the top of the screen
- Enter my email (cjw11b@acu.edu)
- Enter the amount you would like to donate
- You may send in a check
- Address envelope to Hillcrest Church of Christ
- 650 E Ambler Ave, Abilene, TX 79601
- Include note in envelope saying that it is for me
- Or you can hunt me down and find me :)
Again, anything helps. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Wow, I thought the exact same thing about not wanting to live here in America because, yes, we have everything we need for a comfortable life, but that's not very fulfilling at all if you have all these things to distract you from the one thing (person) we actually need. I completely understand what you're saying and I think for me it would be a shame to let an experience like that (Ukraine for me) to go unnoticed and not change the way I think about my future.
ReplyDeleteThere's my two cents :) I'm so glad someone else feels the same way! Love you Cassie!