Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day Two is Through or Threw or Thru

[Tuesday June 11]

I hope you find the English humor in the title of my post.
I think it's funny. 

So day two has come to an end and day three is on it's way. 
Minus the mid-afternoon breakdown, day two went really really well. 
I think we're finally getting into the teaching rhythm which ROCKS,

In my afternoon session we played a game that they explained to me.
That whole process was very very interesting. 
Lot's of hand motions and pointing. 
Basically what it entailed was me writing words down as they told me and then two of them going up to the board at the same time and racing to find the word that I called out. It was INSANE. We laughed and they cheered each other on and pointed and gave directions to each other in Khmer. We were so loud but there was no way I was going to tell them to be quiet, we we're bonding by laughing. My favorite way to bond. 

Here is one of the boys looking for a word. He was blocking the other student so he couldn't find the word before him.

hate that I don't know names, It's just so hard to say some of them in English. But I am determined to learn them one way or another. 

They are all so precious and so eager to learn. That is definitely what makes it worth it.  

We taught the children again today and again, I was blown away by how smart they all are. They knew the songs Jesus Loves Me, Father Abraham, and If You Love Jesus. So we sang them all. It was so fun! After we sang we jumped right into the lesson. I'll point to a picture and read a sentence and Sarah will write it on the board. Then they repeat the sentence right back to me in unison and then they write it in their notebooks. Then we repeat the process and then move on to the next picture. It's very easy and they love to learn so that makes it fun. Plus they are hilarious. There are two boys that write the sentences down really fast and then play around at the table. They are constantly making us laugh. 

Tonight Sarah and I are sleeping in the same room in order to save money due to the electricity and air conditioner. Plus, we won't be so lonely. We've been reading the devotional book "Jesus Calling" everyday and let me tell you. It is on point. God is so good at that. It has really helped us focus and lean more on him as well as remain encouraged.

I think that is going to be a huge part of my trip. My relationship with God definitely needs some one-on-one work and what better place to do it than a country who's language you cannot speak. He's one of the few I can talk to. I'm so excited. 

Sarah and I prayed for a really long time together and that helped a lot. 

And remember. 
It's not that we want to go home.
We love it here and we know that the work that we are doing is so helpful.
It's just all so new.
But we're getting there. Everyday gets easier and easier for sure. 

So see you later day two. It's been fun.

Here's my classroom! Love those boys. 

This is my view everyday... Except all of the chairs are full of eager students. 

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